Nov 5

Message from the Headteacher

Mrs Hales and staff are pleased to welcome all our pupils back to school after the half term break.

Oct 25

Message from the Headteacher

Mrs Hales and staff wish all our pupils and their families a relaxing and safe half term break. We look forward to welcoming pupils back to school on Tuesday 5th November. Monday 4th November is a TE Day.

Oct 25

Hot Chocolate and Cookies with the Headteacher

Each half-term, the Directors of Year Groups and their staff identify one boy and one girl from their year group to be invited to have hot chocolate and cookies with Mrs Hales, Headteacher. This is in recognition of their outstanding contribution to school life and the positive character attributes they have shown during the half-term.

The pupils who enjoyed this special privilege on Friday 25th October were: Year 5 – Liliana and Joe, Year 7 – Ayla and Charlie and Year 8 – Felicity and Alf.

Well done to them all! Keep watching this space to discover who will be invited to tea with Mrs Hales next year!

Oct 24

School Production 2025!

Starting soon: Aston Fields Middle School Production 2025! 

The Expressive Arts Department are gearing up for the beginning of our next school production! We can't give away the title just yet, but we know parents and carers will be green with envy wishing they could take part too.

There will be a club running on Wednesdays after school, beginning for Key Stage 3 just before Christmas and for Key Stage 2 after February half term, details of these will be sent out in due course.

Performances will be in the first week of July - though this might seem far, far away now, they'll come round quickly! Keep an eye on your emails for the official letter and permission slips.

Oct 23

Road Safety Resources

Following Mrs Hales' letter earlier this week, we would like to share the following link to some excellent resources to aid discussion around road safety with you children. has a number of short videos and even an interactive game to help your child remember to stop, look, listen and think